Tampa Chapter

Sons of the American Revolution


MINUTES of Chapter Meeting

Meeting date: October 20, 2012

Call to order: A monthly meeting of the Sons of the American Revolution was held at Piccadilly Cafeteria, Tampa, Florida on October 20, 2012. The meeting convened at 12:00 pm, President John Skillman presiding, Mike Frayn, secretary.


Chaplain Jack Bolen gave the invocation. Compatriot Terry Doan led the Pledge of Allegiance. Compatriot Ed Clark led the SAR Pledge.


Introductions of Compatriots and Guests. Compatriot Luke Lloyd introduced Gordon Bassett (Tampa Chapter member) who will be the President of the Sun City Chapter. His wife Jan was also in attendance.


Members in attendance: Gordon Bassett, Alan Bell, Jack Bolen, Doug Brown, Ed Clark, Terry Doan, Paul Ergler, Paul Farley, Bill Floyd, Mike Frayn, Chuck Hawley, Leo Kelly, Luke Lloyd, Marty Miller, Ed Neugaard, Gray Reese Jr., John Skillman, Brett Thomas and Dick Young.


Guests in attendance: Janice Bassett, June Bolen, Emily Brown, Glenn Clepper, Margie Reese, Eve Thomas, Greg Tisdale (past member), Corporal William Orndorff and Deputy Ashley Grady.


Recognition of Past Presidents.

Approval of Minutes: President Skillman asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of the May 2012 meeting. Hearing none, he approved the minutes as published on the chapter website.


Reports from the Board of Governors:



·         Attended Board of Manager's meeting on Friday in Kissimmee. Nothing of significance to report.

·         Reminded the membership that every member is a recruiter. Presented Challenge coins to Compatriots Frayn, Luke Lloyd and Gray Reese, Jr. for recruiting new members.

·         Reminded members that the Winter Board of Manager's meeting is Jan 11 - 12, 2013. He requested that the new Chapter Officers attend.

·         Would like to schedule a Board Meeting between Christmas and New Year if the majority officers can attend.


Vice President:  No report, not present.



·         Compatriot Mike Frayn told members that he has received dues from approximately 60% of the members. He asked that those who have not paid to send in their dues as soon as they can.

·         Minutes from September's meeting approved as posted to the website.



·         Current Checking account balance $1628.41 plus $878 of medals and awards inventory.



·          Several supplements have been submitted and awaiting approval. Two new member applications have been submitted.

·         No Color Guard activity in the last month. There may be some activity in November.

Committee Reports:

·         Compatriot Dick Young, Program and Events Chairman reported that he presented the books from September's meeting to the Chief Librarian of the John Germany Branch. He had a photo taken and will attempt to get it published to get some publicity for the chapter.

·         Compatriot Jack Bolen represented the Nominating Committee. All nominees for office for 2013 are listed in the program. Any member is free to run for office.



·         Compatriot Jack Bolen invited all members to attend the Tampa Bay Civil War Round Table at the Tampa Bay History Center on October 31, 2012. Dr. Michael Gibbons will be speaking on the subject of the Gettysburg Address. In Lake Wales on Sunday, October 21, 2012 the local DAR Chapter is having a re-dedication ceremony of a cannon from the USS Constitution. The ceremony will be taking place at the Depot Museum in Lake Wales.

·         Compatriot Luke Lloyd told members that recruiting the necessary number of new members to start the Sun City Chapter has been a challenge. He is enlisting the Sun City DAR Chapter members to assist in recruiting. He spoke to membership about the program that SAR has to reward the DAR state society that assists in recruiting new SAR members. He had a shadow box made that displays the medals that would be awarded to the DAR ladies who help recruit new SAR members. Essentially the ladies would receive a medal for every two members they helped recruit.

·         President John Skillman spoke about the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Applicants must meet the following three criteria: 1) The lineage to the ancestor must go up the male line. 2) The founder/ancestor must have been in the country by 17 May 1657. 3) There must be a SAR Patriot in the lineage between the applicant and the founder/ancestor. The Order meets twice a year for lunch.


President Skillman recessed the meeting for lunch at 12:25pm. The meeting resumed at 12:50pm.


Compatriot Dick Young introduced honored guest Corporal Will Orndorf of the Pasco County Sherriff's Office. He was accompanied by Ashley Grady, also of the Pasco County Sherriff's Office. Cpl. Orndorff works on a task force responsible for the suppression of synthetic drugs. He spoke about the two most prevalent drugs, Spice and Bath Salts. These drugs are available in retail establishments but are slowly being banned.

Cpl. Orndorff  was presented with the Law Enforcement Medal and Certificate.


Presentation of Chapter Awards:

·         Compatriot Mike Frayn presented Nicholas Lloyd's Certificate of Membership to his grandfather, Compatriot Luke Lloyd.

·         Compatriot Mike Frayn presented Compatriot Alan Bell his Supplemental Membership Certificate.



·         President Skillman spoke to the membership about the fund raising efforts for the Center for Advancing America’s Heritage. SAR received a $1.5 million donation from a member. That Compatriot has agreed to match any additional donations up to $1.5 million. National is asking for an average of $250 donations from each member.

·         Deputy Ashley Grady drew winning 50/50 ticket. Gray Reese was the winner and gave his share of the proceeds to the chapter.


The Recessional and Benediction concluded the meeting.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:30.


Mike Frayn

Secretary                                                               Date of approval: 31 October 2012

Tampa Chapter

Sons of the American Revolution